
Future of Fife Environment Trust (FET)

*** Important note to all applicants ***

Due to the ban of landfilling Biodegradable Municipal Waste in Scotland effective from January 2025, this will reduce the Scottish Landfill Tax yield and so the contribution to the Scottish Landfill Communities Fund (SLCF).  As an Approved Body, FET receives funding from the SLCF.  As a result of the ban, please be aware that Fife Environment Trust contributions from the SLCF will reduce considerably going forward.  This will ultimately affect the grants we provide to communities.  We will keep you updated when further information is available to us.

Fife Environment Trust currently offers two levels of funding support to eligible organisations and projects.

Small grants scheme

Under the Small Grants Scheme a maximum intervention rate of 90% is available for projects which have a total eligible project cost of no more than £10,000.
For higher value projects, there is a cap on the maximum award request of £10,000.
Applications to the small grants scheme can be made at any time as there are no submission deadlines.

Large grants scheme

Applicants can apply for between £10,000 and £50,000 up to a maximum intervention rate of 75% of total eligible costs. Submission deadlines for applications to the large grants scheme are twice per annum, at the end of March and the end of September. Applications submitted in March are considered by the Board of Directors every May and applications submitted in September are considered every November.

For further information and advice about energy saving projects, some useful websites are as follows:

Information on match funders is available within the ‘Grants and Funding’ section of and from there you can click into ‘Council Grants’ and ‘Other Funding’ which will return lists of possibilities based on the project information you enter. There’s also a wealth of information for community groups under the ‘running a community project’ section including starting up tips and how to promote and evaluate the project.

A useful tool for organisations considering an asset transfer can be found at

Application forms

It should be noted that whilst the same questions are asked on both application forms, the level of detail required as answers is proportionate to the level of funding sought from the Trust.

Please submit completed application forms and supporting documentation to where possible.